Taking surveys online can be a fun way to make a little extra cash. It isn't a way to make a full time income but you can make some extra money. To test it, I signed up with about thirty survey sites. In about two months I have made about $80.00. Still, that isn't bad for pocket money.
There are many paid survey sites on the internet that pay for your opinions. If you sign up with at least 20-30 of the sites, chances are good that you will get quite a few surveys to do in your inbox. The pay can be points, cash or entries into sweepstakes. If you are only interested in cash, be sure to check the rewards offered at the survey site. The reward for the survey you are taking will be specified in the email they send you. Most of the survey cash rewards I have seen are about $1.00-$5.oo.
Many of these sites also have an option of being available for focus groups. Focus groups over the internet usually take about an hour and are interactive questions and answers done on a specific product. The pay for focus group participation is much higher than typical surveys and can range from about $50.00- $200. Be sure to check off this option if it is available when you sign up. I participated in one and it was worth $50.00 for only thirty minutes of my time.
Before you sign up with these sites you may want to consider a Paypal or other forms of banking your money. If you don't want to do that, you usually have the option of online gift certificates instead. Some will give you the option of sending a cheque by mail.
You do not need to buy lists of survey companies to find them on the internet, you can do a search that will bring up many of them without paying a dime. However, if you want to save time and find all the information at once, paying a one time fee for a list is not a waste of money. Many of these Survey list sites also provide sites mystery shopping, car ad wrapping, or other legitimate ways to earn income.
The Survey sites that I have had the most survey requests from are: Web Perspectives, Greenfield Online, Ispo and Angus Reid. My favorite is Web Perspectives because they often have cash reward surveys.
The hardest part of this whole process is signing up at all the survey sites, after that it's simple.
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